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Celebrate World Kindness Day in Your Own Way

ERA Evergreen



Nov 12 3 minutes read

November 13 is World Kindness Day, and it's an annual celebration promoting the importance of being kind to one another to make the world a better place to live in. It is a day dedicated to good deeds and pledging acts of kindness-- helping us reflect on one of the most important and unifying human principles. 

Here's a look at some activities and ideas you can do to celebrate World Kindness Day!

Compliment the people you talk to throughout the day

Honest compliments can make someone's day, so for World Kindness day, do your best to compliment the people you talk to throughout the day. Kind words are inexpensive, so feel free to express how much you admire and appreciate everyone around you!

Say good morning to the person you stand with AT the elevator

Start the day with kindness and cheer! Take the time to greet the person standing with you in an elevator, "Good morning!" and see his/her face light up!

Clean the litter around your neighborhood park

We know most of you are spending a considerable time in the morning jogging or doing some exercises around the park. So for World Kindness Day, do the neighborhood a favor and make an effort to clean the litter around the area, even just for a few minutes.

Spread positivity on social media

Share funny memes, videos, or inspirational quotes and posts on your socials on World Kindness Day! It only takes a few scrolls and clicks to change someone's mood, so go ahead and change it for the better!

Help someone with their chores

Is it your husband's turn to wash the dishes tonight? Make it a team-effort instead! Volunteer to help him wipe cleaned dishes and utensils and spare him a few minutes of household chores!

Place uplifting messages anywhere you can

Inspirational notes and uplifting messages are a welcome surprise, especially in a busy and toxic environment like your workplace! Be that ray of light on World Kindness Day, and energize everyone with your kind words!

Send flowers to a friend

Have you ever sent someone flowers just because? Do exactly that on World Kindness Day! Flowers are a natural and organic way to brighten up a room or someone's mood, so go ahead and send a bouquet to someone you know!

Leave a generous tip

If you're thinking of dining out today or looking to order some takeout before coming home, and you've got some cash to spare, don't hesitate to leave a generous tip! It'll be of great help, for sure!

Hold the door open for someone

Whether you're going in or leaving an establishment, and you've got someone behind you, make that extra effort to hold the door for him/her! It's a simple but polite gesture that'll surely be appreciated!


Smiling is such an effortless act of kindness and positive show of emotions, so feel free to show those pearly whites to everyone you'll cross paths with on World Kindness Day!

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