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Pack These New Normal Essentials For Your Travel

ERA Evergreen



Jun 24 6 minutes read

Traveling and Summer are like twins connected by the hip-- you can't enjoy one without the other!

Traveling takes us out of our daily routines, providing us our much-needed time away from stress and the hardships of life. It boosts our mental health and enables us to reset our bodies and minds-- and it keeps us learning about other cultures and ourselves, too!

Unfortunately for us, COVID-19 happened, and it has brought the world so much change and restriction. And as the pandemic rolls into our favorite season, we find ourselves adjusting to what everyone calls the "new normal"-- especially when moving from point-to-point. 

Nevertheless, summer wouldn't be complete without a quick getaway, and lucky for us, our country has plenty of space for exploring while practicing social distancing. It's just a matter of packing these #NewNormal essentials, and we're ready for a safe and virus-free trip!


Always make sure that you and your traveling party are fully-equipped with face masks (N-95, K-N95, surgical masks, or cloth face masks), whenever you're out and about. Covering your face, nose, and mouth prevents you from the droplets of others and minimizes your chance of getting infected. Be ready with some spares, too, so you can change the ones you're wearing every hour or two.

Hand Sanitizer

Washing your hands with soap won't easily be accessible during travel, especially on long road trips, so hand-sanitizers and alcohols are your travel must-haves. Make sure to sanitize once you've touched a surface or made physical contact with another person. The 70-percent isopropyl alcohol variants are strongly-recommended for better protection.

Wet Wipes/ Disinfectant Wipes

Disinfectant wipes are especially useful for door handles, cutlery, toilets, tables, chairs, etc., when in public. It'll ease your mind in touching surfaces, and lessens the chances of you and your loved one catching the virus. Make sure to wipe your smartphone, too! We're pretty sure you'll be holding it as often as you touch your hair, mouth, and nose!

Personal Cutlery

Traveling also means eating at restaurants and having lots of drive-thrus. Bringing your cutlery rather than using shared ones will be much more hygienic and environment-friendly (no to plastic cutlery, please!)! There are various travel-friendly cutleries available online and in shops, so packing a set won't be much of a hassle! Now you don't have to worry about using un-sanitized cutlery!

Change of Clothes

Bringing an extra pair of clothes is usually not a problem when traveling, especially if you're planning a multiple-day getaway. However, this is not the case during day trips. Make sure to pack a change of tops and bottoms even during day trips to avoid bringing the virus inside your home. Make it a practice to change to a fresh set of clothes before entering your house and putting your dirty clothes in a laundry bag/plastic to be disinfected ASAP!

Credit Cards/ Debit Cards

Doing cashless transactions lessens the transmission of COVID-19. Make sure to have your credit cards and debit cards at hand, or proceed with online payments instead, to avoid unnecessary physical contact when in public places.

Cleaning Essentials

Being too cautious is, in fact, ideal in this kind of pandemic. Bring your cleaning supplies like detergents, disinfectants, etc., especially when booking a hotel room to stay in for a couple of nights. Having this at hand is vital in making sure that every nook and cranny is clean and sanitized. Indeed essential when traveling with kids and the elderly!

Thermometer and First Aid Kit

First-aid kits and thermometers have always been travel essentials, way before the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel thermometers help you keep tabs on your temperature, and first-aid kits give you the necessary tools that you need in case you or any member of your family encounter some travel booboos. It's especially important now, as coronavirus symptoms include shortness of breath, fever, coughing, and a sore throat. Keep yourself and the people around you safe by checking your temperature before going out every single day.

Multi-vitamins and Over-The-Counter Medicines

Prevention is indeed better than cure. Bringing your multi-vitamins and essential over-the-counter medications during travel will help your immune system cope with the change of weather, crowds, diseases, and infections. A healthy person has a lesser chance of getting the virus-- remember that!

Presence of Mind

No, we're not trying to get smart here, but in truth, presence of mind IS truly essential when traveling, especially when contracting the virus is as easy as 123! Always be mindful of the people around you and PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING! The government might have loosened up movement restrictions, but it surely doesn't mean that COVID-19 is long gone. Be a smart traveler and come home safe and sound-- for you AND your loved ones.

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