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Help The COVID-19 Frontliners In Your Own Simple Way

ERA Evergreen



Apr 26 7 minutes read

If you're reading this article inside the comforts of your home amidst the current pandemic, it may mean that you're among the majority of the population not called on to work at the front lines in this fight against COVID-19. And this fact poses as both a blessing and a privilege-- because not EVERYONE gets to stay at home to be with family and loved ones.

Doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and all the employees who provide essential services to keep everyone in the community going-- these are your front liners. A small group of dedicated people tasked upon by the government to save the country from the threat of the novel coronavirus. And as they risk their own lives to make sure that everyone is safe, healthy, and COVID-free, you can also offer help to these modern-day heroes in your simple way. Here are some ideas:

Stay at Home-- And Flatten the Curve!

Look after yourself and the people around you by staying at home! Strict social distancing has proven its impact on the decline of COVID-19 cases in several countries. We all want things to get back to normal-- to travel, launder around beaches, have warm hugs and sincere handshakes. And by staying at home, we help frontliners flatten the curve faster and cut the quarantine short! So let's do our part by keeping to ourselves and enjoying our Netflix and chill-- sounds good?

Follow Set Rules and Guidelines

The government and the CDC have imposed new COVID-19 rules and guidelines for every community to follow, in hopes of preventing a rise in infection. If you suspect that you are COVID-19 infected, please strictly observe these proper steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Stay home except to get medical care
  • Separate yourself from other people
  • Call ahead before visiting your doctor
  • If you are sick wear a cloth covering over your nose and mouth
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes
  • Clean your hands often
  • Clean all “high-touch” surfaces every day

Show empathy and compassion by making sure that others do not get infected by you. You may be able to handle the virus well and be asymptomatic, but there is a large number of people with pre-existing medical conditions who will be more vulnerable to the virus. Protect them by following rules and guidelines!

Check-in on the Elderlies

Adults 60 years old and older are especially vulnerable to severe illness caused by COVID-19. If you are caring for an older loved one, or have an elderly friend or neighbor, make sure to check-in and ask if they need anything. Self-isolation is a top priority for elderlies, so limit in-person visits unless necessary. However, SOCIAL isolation can harm older people's immunity and mental health, so make sure to add a sense of connectedness in every interaction. Call, text, email, or have a video chat-- keep elderlies healthy by keeping in touch.

Stay connected 

Find out how people are doing-- this is vital in the new normal the world is now facing. Anyone will be happy to have someone call them and ask how they are because, in all honesty, everyone wants to talk. The effects of long quarantines and self-isolation can take a toll on anyone's mental health, and in a no-touch world, technology and social media are our armors in preventing anxiety and depression. Let us all stay connected to old friends, relatives, and to the frontliners that we know. Help them survive the pandemic by showing that you care.

Volunteer Your Time

Do you know someone who needs to limit their public interactions? Offer your time and labor! Let them know you're willing to pick up and deliver their shopping needs, treats, or other things they may want and need (while taking necessary precautions to keep yourself safe, of course!) Just make sure you're healthy enough to be out on the streets because getting the virus will do more harm than good.

Donate at Legitimate COVID-19 Fundraisers

Are you looking for a way to show your support for the frontliners and less-fortunate people in these trying times? If you have extra cash to spend, why don't you support and donate at legitimate COVID-19 fundraisers? There are several reputable companies and organizations spear-heading donation drives and fundraisers for COVID-19 across the globe. Just be vigilant and do proper research before handing over your hard-earned cash!

Don't Hoard

Hoarding of medical supplies and essentials has been a problem around the world ever since the pandemic has started. And though this concern has already been addressed by the government and its policies, this remains as an important reminder to curb the panic-greed reflex. Let's keep our community's needs top of mind to have a better world. Only prepare for what your household will need while on quarantine, and be truthful. Sharing simple things will help everyone survive COVID-19.

Support Local Businesses

If you're into takeouts, food deliveries, and online shopping, make sure to support small and local businesses. Choosing their products will not only be a big help to struggling business owners, but it will also ensure that you are getting the most out of your budget (local products, cheaper prices!).

Always Fact Check!

Unfortunately, but not unexpected, misinformation on COVID-19 is floating around online. Be it your civil responsibility to get your information only from trusted sources like the World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the government website, and your local government's pages. By doing this, you are stopping the spread of false information, which creates unnecessary panic in a time of uncertainty.

Share Positivity

It's probably quite impossible for anyone to stay optimistic in times like this, but we have to, to stay sane. Despite the pandemic around us, there are still so many examples out there of people helping one another. Lift everyone's spirits by sharing positive news and acts of kindness with your physical and social media communities. Talk about it, share it, and stay hopeful. Together, we can prevent getting caught in a bad news spiral,  and we can give our health workers and frontliners the much-needed moral support!

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