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Have More Fun At Work With These 10 Simple Tips

ERA Evergreen



Jan 24 4 minutes read

Finding a job you enjoy doing may be easier said than done, and most often than not, even the best jobs on earth have days, weeks, and even months that are a struggle!

And though this reality is a bit hard to bear, acknowledgment is vital in embracing the fact that bringing fun and enjoyment to work (regardless of your job) is critical. So to start this busy work week, introduce fun things into your job and spread good vibes and joy around your workplace-- here are 10 Simple Tips To Have More Fun At Work:

Create a to-do list

A to-do list is always helpful, even in keeping yourself in-love with your job! Prioritize your to-do checklist and jot down the most important things first. Before performing a task, ask yourself if it's the best use of your time-- and make sure to schedule enough time for extracurriculars that will keep you motivated.

Think of happiness-inducing traditions with your co-employees

Hit the vending machine with your work pals and buy an extra snack to gift to each other. Happiness-inducing traditions, no matter what they are, are a great way to make anyone smile after an annoying meeting, a truck worth of workload, and an exhausting task-- especially if you're doing it with the people you work with every single day!

Set regular breaks

A long day at work comes with crazy, hectic moments, so take a few minutes to get up and out of your chair to clear your mind and recharge you for the next task. It could be a short five-minute break or an hour of lunch and chill-- the important thing is that you're looking for ways to energize yourself other than caffeine-loading.

Transform your workspace into a place you enjoy 

Style your office or cube with things or objects that make you smile. Keep any cards, notes, and emails from workmates or clients pinned to a wall or corkboard and use them as a reminder to keep going, especially when the going gets tough!

Aim for a pleasant workplace

Be a positive source of energy inside your workplace. Avoid gossiping in the office as it creates tension and spreads negativity all around. Don't entertain any gossip either-- and people that you don't resonate with.

Learn to relax and take it easy

Being at work doesn't mean all business, all the time! Maintaining professionalism doesn't mean you can't smile or crack a joke (when appropriate!). Being relaxed and keeping things light and easy is contagious-- in a positive way! Be that breath of fresh air so that others around you will be the same way, and your office will be all-around happier every day!

Be generous with compliments every day

Make people feel good about themselves by dropping compliments each day. It's always a nice feeling to be appreciated and recognized for the little things that you do, and giving that compliment will feel just as good as receiving it!

Don't forget to connect with your colleagues daily

Go ahead and walk over to your co-worker's desk to check-in! Connecting with your colleagues daily and asking how they're doing can brighten up your day significantly-- and strengthen the bond that you have with them too!

Delegate when appropriate

Check your workload for the day and decide if there's anything that can be delegated or if it's more fairly someone else's task. Keep the "3D" rule in mind-- do it, dump it, or delegate it-- and never handle a piece of paper twice!

Switch the "off" button once you step out of your office

Most people are guilty of keeping work buzzing in their heads during their supposed free time, and it results in an unhealthy approach to life and work. To avoid physical and mental exhaustion, make sure to mentally say goodbye to your workspace and tasks the moment your leave for home. Sign off, folks, and leave it for another day!

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