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10 Vegetables You Can Plant Now For Your Fall Garden

ERA Evergreen



Sep 16 4 minutes read

Time flies so fast, and autumn has started to peep in-- have you already prepped your garden up for a fall harvest?

Planting crops in your garden allows you to grow fresh, healthy food at home, which promotes a sustainable lifestyle. Not to mention, a fall garden offers so many benefits like cooler temperatures (which means you don't have to water the plants often) and a respite from many garden pests, making garden planting less fussy and more enjoyable!

Pick up your gardening tools and start digging-- here are ten vegetables you can plant for your fall garden:


Beans (of all types!) are number one on the list as they grow fast and produce abundant harvests up until frost. They are ideal for planting at intervals throughout the growing season, and you can sow them outdoors directly in the soil.


Beets are indeed an ideal fall crop! Aside from being able to sow its seeds directly outdoors, cooler temperatures help beets thrive. Make sure to pre-soak the beet seeds to help with germination!

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a perfect side to any dish, and luckily, they're easy to plant in the fall season! These green babies love the cold weather and are often grown in cold climates. Start from seed indoors and transplant outside as soon as the weather cools, or you can opt to buy transplants at your local garden shop.


Turnips are easy to grow in a fall garden and into winter! Direct sow these crops in the early fall and they'll be ready to harvest once they start popping from the soil line. Small turnips roots are more tender, and they're delicious to roast!


Radishes are known to be one of the quickest maturing crops, as it only takes four weeks from seeds to harvest! Try stagger plantings to get a couple of harvests of radishes through fall.


Who doesn't enjoy a dose of collard greens? These healthy greens are popular in Southern gardens, but they're easy to grow almost anywhere, as long as you plant them in the cold weather, like in the fall. In fact, they taste sweeter when lightly touched by frost!

Green Onions

Green onions are versatile and usually included in most recipes. The good news is they're a part of the list of vegetables you can plant in your fall garden! Just sow them in the early fall and harvest through late fall to early winter!


Salads are easy to prepare and a great meal to jumpstart a healthy diet, and lettuce are its main ingredient! Plant some in the early fall to enjoy an abundance of salads in autumn! You can also tuck lettuces into fall container gardens alongside pansies and other fall blooms. Try planting it from transplants or grow it from seeds without a sweat!


Cauliflowers are ideal to be grown during spring and fall as they love mild temperatures! Enjoy a fall harvest by planting transplants outdoors as soon as temperatures are consistently in the 70s and make sure to cover up in the event of an early freeze.


Create endless healthy recipes with kale! Kale thrives in cold weather, and it even keeps in the garden through winter! Directly sow in the early fall and get numerous harvests through the holidays and BEYOND!

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