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Simple Home Improvement Projects You Can Do During COVID-19 Quarantine

ERA Evergreen



Apr 16 4 minutes read

Let's face it-- as much as we appreciate the fact that most of us can stay at home during this pandemic, staying within the four walls of your home EVERY SINGLE DAY can be, well, a bit boring. Is it even possible to run out of things to do?

Well then, direct that energy into something useful, positive, and productive this COVID-19 quarantine! Start some simple home improvement projects for your home, and keep yourself busy and inspired throughout this self-isolation period! Not sure how to start? Here are some ideas:

Clean Out The Clutter

I think most would agree that it's not easy to start a project with unwanted clutter around the house.  So the first thing on the list is to CLEAN and ORGANIZE! Set aside all the things that you haven't been using for a while, including old clothes, toys, tools, kitchen stuff, etc., and store them in containers meant for donations. By doing this step, you're able to recognize your essentials, and organizing will be a breeze. Now is the right time to pop in some general cleaning, as you'll be clearing up more space.

Refresh Your Yard

Since going out for a play in the park is NOT an option at this time, your yard is the next best place to get some sunlight and stretch your legs! Give your yard the care it deserves by pulling out its weeds, repotting your plants, and cutting the grass clean! By doing a quick revamp, you're able to reap the benefits of fresher air and aesthetically pleasing surrounding.

Patch Those Forgotten Holes

Do you remember those small holes on the wall that haven't gotten around fixing? Well, folks, now that you've got A LOT of time on your hands, patching up those ugly holes should be of top priority! Prep your home for a repaint job for a later date by patching up unwanted holes. Ask the kids to point out the holes they MAY or MAY HAVE NOT told you about, too! I mean, we all have our dark secrets (lol!)

Brighten Up Your Kids' Room

Yes, the only place inside your home that you've deliberately avoided-- the KIDS' ROOM. We know, we know. It's exhausting to pick up after small kids: toys are strewn all over the floor, dirty clothes left and right, and IS THAT SPILLED MILK ON THE BED?! Calm down, momma. You'll miss all of these when they grow older (or maybe not because it will be a different kind of mess by then). But while they're still arguing with each other on who gets to give mom a bear hug, why don't you surprise them with a simple treat? 

Tidy up their room and give them a small space for play. Pick a wall and paint it with some chalk paint for a D-I-Y chalkboard! It will keep the kids busy FOR HOURS, AND give you some ME time, too!

Create A Special Nook For Yourself

No one knows when this pandemic will end, so it's best to keep your time at home a pleasurable one. So, with all that hard work you've done throughout the day, you deserve a relaxing space in your home! Pick your most favorite corner in the house and transform it into your own haven! Take out that old bedside table and use it as a small bookcase for your nook! Repaint old furniture to match your theme and put some indoor plants for a refreshing feel! It's all about making that corner your own-- and having a special place around the house that's ONLY FOR YOU.

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