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9 Reasons Why June is the Best Month to Sell Your Home

ERA Evergreen



May 31 5 minutes read

If you’re contemplating selling your home this June, then this blog is the universe’s way of giving you a sign to do it NOW– yes, THIS MONTH! If you didn’t already know, the month of June has been widely recognized as the best month to sell a house and get the highest price premium, with May being a close second! And if extra profit isn’t a reason enough to put your home up in the market NOW, here are nine more reasons why June (and the summer season!) is the best month to sell a house!

More people are looking

Did you know that a good number of people are looking to buy a home of their own during summertime? As families are often timing their move with the school year, most aim to be settled by July or August so their kids can start at a new school at the beginning of the school year. If you’re listing your home in June (early summer), you’ll be in the best position to sell!

There’s a stronger curb appeal

Admit it– your home looks better in the summer! While Spring’s tulips and daffodils are indeed a welcome change after the dreary winter days, the long-lasting blooms of summer flowers will up your home’s curb appeal throughout the entire season! Add the better opportunity to fully landscape your yard or spruce up your deck and patio with summer trinkets, and your prospective buyers won’t be able to resist seeing your home in its full glory!

Additionally, the extra sunlight summer brings helps your home feel brighter during showings, and we all know that pretty homes are more attractive to buyers!

More time for DIY projects

Nowadays, homebuyers tend to be pickier. Minor details like outdated light fixtures can turn them off from buying your home, especially when there are comparable homes available in the market. While you’re able to make simple changes to your home at any time of the year, it’s undeniable that summer gives you more time to take care of the small issues that may prevent someone from buying your home. D-I-Y projects like re-painting the fence, changing light switches, or installing ceiling fans will be a breeze to do with more time!

Additional visibility

June brings us nice weather, and it forces people to be outside a lot more than usual. Neighbors walking throughout the neighborhood, garage sales here and there, and family gatherings will lead people in places they don’t frequent. Most often than not, there are also homeowners like you holding open houses in the area, so there’s a great chance that people will also see your home. All these little things equal additional visibility– and a better chance of getting your home sold quicker!

Less competition, better Seller’s Market

The summer market is known to hold a better seller’s market. With fewer homes for sale due to family vacation times, it’ll give your home a better chance to get sold. You’re also more likely to get offers from serious buyers who won’t haggle over the price or add extra conditions to the sale.

Zero stress during the holidays

Even if you’re not too concerned about finishing up your move in the summer for your kids, we’re sure you’ll want to have your home sold before winter hits. Nobody wants to spend the holidays stressed out with packing and moving, and by selling your home in the summer, you’ll be finished with everything by Thanksgiving. And this means more time to enjoy your new home during the year’s most festive time!

A chance to focus on the sale more

Summer means vacation time for most people, and even if you’re not thinking of taking time off work, the summer season still has the added benefit of having the longest weekends! It means you’ll have more time to be involved in listing your home, talk to buyers, and draw up offers, and take the potential sale of your home head-on! Folks, selling your home is hard work! Focusing on the details of the sale will give you the most return on your investment.

A convenient time to move

It’s been proven that most moves take place between Memorial Day and Labor Day. And the reason for this is the convenience it gives families with school-age children to move. Not having to plan a move around school days, homework, and after-school activities will make moving to a new home a much easier process for you and the family. The weather is also predictable during the summer, so problems with spring showers, winter storms, and cold fall days won’t be an issue if you follow through with the move.

Plenty of showings

Summer gives us longer days and more daylight, which means more chances for real estate showings. If you put your home up for sale during summertime, you’ll have more people showing up to your open house versus putting your home in the market in the dead of winter.

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